Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One Month


Yes, you heard correctly. One month until graduation. This next month is going to be horrible, but i'm going to make it fabulous.

Things to look forward to:
1) Trip to Chicago with my girlfriends
2) Holding my diploma
3) Entering the real world
4) Really trying this acting thing
5) Sleeping

Things to not look forward to:
1) Homework
2) Finals
3) Research papers( I've got a lot of those)
4) Saying goodbye
5) Moving out
6) Re-moving in( no offense mom and dad)

I have a lot to do and a lot to think about. I can't believe this is happening so quickly. I feel like yesterday I was a freshman in college who was sad for the year to end. I can't believe 4 years have gone by so quickly.

                               My very best friends from  Freshman year. Things have changed ,
                                          but they understand me better than most people.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How Not to Say Goodbye

    I've been pretty mean to my friends lately. I don't mean to be but it just kinda happens. They told me its because I'm trying to distance myself so it makes the separation easier on myself. According to them, it wont work. 

     If you've read my other two entries, you know how freaked out I am about the future. Last night was one of the few nights I've slept in a long time. However, what I'm concerned about is leaving the familiarity of my school and friends.

     In a couple of weeks- POOF- the past four years will seems like a strange dream. Many of my friends are also graduating. Who knows when or even if I'll see them again. I also have a few friends that will still be in school. Is it lame to visit your old college as a post-grad? I remember in high school it was sooooo lame for the grads to come and visit. Are things different now?

I've also started to create a break-up mix for my roommate. After living together for 3 years, I told her that its time for us to break up. My mix CD will include:
1) Don't Speak- No Doubt (Just for the line " I feel like I'm loosing my best friend:
2) I Will Remember You- Sarah McLaughlin
3) Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely- BSB
4) All By Myself- Celine Dion
5) Those you've known- Spring Awakening
6) For Good-Wicked
7) Goodbye To You-Michelle Branch
.....and more for only $19.99 you can have a copy too.

I don't care if a Mix-Cd is out of date, but for now it's better than being mean.

                                                                   (The Core Four)

Friday, March 18, 2011

To-Do List

My to-do list is awfully large.
The first item on my list:

E-mail any type of connection that can help me get a job. This includes so many people that this list is a little daunting. It has been a week since I sent out to do this and I've only e-mailed one person. And no, they haven't responded.

The second item on my list:

Research what maid of honor duties entail. Also,  figure out bridesmaid dress as well as creative gift ideas.

The third item on my list:


There are 6 weeks until graduation. I need to get my act together.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I am graduating from college on April 30th. What does that mean?

The end.
The beginning.
The future.

Its pretty embarrassing when people ask me "what's next". I've never been spontaneous. I like making plans  and lists and knowing what I'll be doing. This is the first time that I've "free willied" this whole life thing. It is rather exhilarating. However, the feeling of freedom is soon shadowed by my over whelming fear of failure. Why didn't I apply for grad school? Why don't I have a job lined up already? Why, why, why...That is all I seem to be asking myself. The biggest why question that I ask myself every so often is:

Why couldn't I pick a normal career?

The majority of the actors in the world are unemployed.With or without a recession. I picked this career because it is something that I feel passionate for. I feel a hunger to succeed. I remind myself of this fact every time I wake in the middle of the night with a knot in my stomach.

I decided to get a blog so I can share information about what a freshly graduated person who is entering the real world does to get a job. I hope to share experiences about breaking into the acting world .

Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.