Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I am graduating from college on April 30th. What does that mean?

The end.
The beginning.
The future.

Its pretty embarrassing when people ask me "what's next". I've never been spontaneous. I like making plans  and lists and knowing what I'll be doing. This is the first time that I've "free willied" this whole life thing. It is rather exhilarating. However, the feeling of freedom is soon shadowed by my over whelming fear of failure. Why didn't I apply for grad school? Why don't I have a job lined up already? Why, why, why...That is all I seem to be asking myself. The biggest why question that I ask myself every so often is:

Why couldn't I pick a normal career?

The majority of the actors in the world are unemployed.With or without a recession. I picked this career because it is something that I feel passionate for. I feel a hunger to succeed. I remind myself of this fact every time I wake in the middle of the night with a knot in my stomach.

I decided to get a blog so I can share information about what a freshly graduated person who is entering the real world does to get a job. I hope to share experiences about breaking into the acting world .

Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.

1 comment:

  1. Any one who makes Free Willy into a verb will be a success. <3
